Adobe StockCollage
after Romare Bearden
Gather out of star-dust:
memories of tender Harlem evenings where portraits filled
my young mind with j…
- Photo by Manikanth Halyal / Unsplash[Untitled] At the edge of the village a woman in a stupa ground millet. She whistled brazenly, calling the wind from the steppe to keep the chaff flying so her eyes…
- bettysphotos / stock.adobe.comWriting Poetry on the Assembly Line Sitting in front of the machine in the workshop Exhaling like the moonlight. The soldering iron, screwdriver, motor, buzzer, the injec…
- for Naomi Shihab Nye Eid al-Fitr Shavuot Pentecost 2021 I want to follow Naomi to walk in her footsteps to gather with her only the gentle words like fallen wheat stalks gleaned from…
- Photo by Michel Banabila / FlickrDinosaurs Each day, I drive beneath the shadow of leviathan bones, concrete muscles poured over rebar ribcage, fossils of future freeways. I walk through the unnatural…
- Painting by Mehdi Qotbi (b. 1951, Rabat) / Courtesy of the artist Les homeless Les homeless ne vivent pas dans la rue Ils attendent que le ciel se jette sur eux chaque soir Un ciel chargé de tous les…
- Illustration by fran_kie / Adobe StockIf I Must Die If I must die, you must live to tell my story to sell my things to buy a piece of cloth and some strings, (make it white with a long tail) so that a…
- Photo by Yousef Khanfar / This olive tree in the Al Aqsa compound is believed to be 2,000 years old.I’m not interested in who suffered the most. I’m interested in people getting…
- Photo by h heyerlein / UnsplashField at Night On a night without you I descend into hell streetlamps become enemies Solitary I walk the salt mines my footprints are salt measuring fate salt like the f…
- Illustration courtesy of the author Julius D. Jones is a talented and thought-provoking artist who cares deeply about humanity, justice, and peace. Despite being incarcerated for more than twen…
- Photo by said alamri / UnsplashImmigration, detention, unequal pay are modern words for slavery again. Dictatorship, borders. Any imposition of one’s will over another is a form of s…
- Photo by Natalia Dimitris X (2007) / Flickr… And instead of despair before your own cracked skin instead of drowning in memories of him instead of hopelessness as you face the scorched plain of your f…
- Photo by throgers / FlickrIn what follows, I have created three heteronyms to render Pablo Neruda’s “Oda al actor” into English. They are presented in chronological order by date of birth. Their views…
- Photo by NancieLee Free at last. Free at last. Thank God almighty, we’re free at last. “[O]n the first day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, all persons…
- Photo by Lucas Calloch / UnsplashJapanese Garden I curve like a wooden bridge over a lake lit up by red carps I am hard and dry and barely adorned like a sand garden (though there are stones that blos…
- Photo by Evelyn Paris / UnsplashNational Anthem This is my room, it is called Iceland. A sea cable fastens it to Europe and to here and from here fly airplanes with their ink cartridges full of people…
- Jewish Museum Berlin / Photo by Davie Dunn / FlickrMommy, mommy repeated Tyre Nichols with his last breaths kicked by the boots of five policemen under his mother’s window in Memphis Plea…
- Photo by Sofya Badkhen“We Live Without Touch” is a found poem. Composed of fourteen English translations of the first two lines of a famous 1933 poem by Osip Mandelstam, it is a timely meditation…
- Photo by Lava Lavanda / UnsplashFirst Language Not sure what to make of the title (titles can be misleading, like Chinatown or Popiół i diament or that blue–white…
- Photo by Lava Lavanda / Unsplash First Language Not sure what to make of the title (titles can be misleading, like Chinatown or Popiół i diament…
- Photo by Alex Arbelaez / Flickr Martil It’s okay to veer toward Tetouan, to stay a while, to be released from a pair of pliers, the two mountains that have gripped Tetouan since T…
- Photo by Vlad Kutepov / Unsplash Echo of Another Sonata In your opinion one love erases another and so it is, dear, yet in love not everything belongs to the dart a…
- Photo by Luis Fernandez / Flickr I go out into the street with the angel by Linda Maria Baros I go out into the street with the angel. Like a chain coiled a…
- Photo by OakleyOriginals / Flickr — after BLP Where is it I end? Is it just past the last echo of my fingertips or tongue? Is it where the ink dries on this page— is that my finality?…
- Royal Alcazar, Seville, Spain / Photo by Gary Campbell-Hall / Flickr December in the City December in the city. In the tower, the frail angel, radiant in sunlight frailer still, lo…