Photo by said alamri / Unsplash
Immigration, detention, unequal pay
are modern words for slavery again.
Dictatorship, borders. Any imposition
of one’s will over another
is a fo…
Nicholas Samaras
PHOTO: Andrea Moroni, Patmos / Flickr Only travel can teach us anything. Only travel can move us out of our staid lives into a fresh perspective, to see before us what has not been before us.…
- The bruise of ink on white paper. The words that line transcription and record. I know I am more than this thin sheaf. The written name of my village can’t say anything about the openness of it…
The 200,000 lights in the Mémorial des Martyrs de la Déportation in Paris represent the number of deportees sent from France to Nazi concentration camps. Photo by Zak / Flickr Martyrs of the Depo…
- Inventing Peace I make this room a country of peace. Within these walls, I am the harmony of an individual with no nationalism, claims or agenda, no chorus of discord, no borders b…