Photo by Sourabh Panari / Unsplash
Today is publication day for a new translation of Tiruvalluvar’s Tirukkural, a Tamil masterwork of poetry and practical philosophy. Th…
Words for Thought
- The game Life Is Strange from Dontnod Entertainment features a vast choice system and great writing.Narrative form has come a long way from its antiquated beginnings. From verbal st…
- Painting from the General Yue Fei Memorial Temple, Hangzhou | Photo by ChrisjtseIt is puzzling that the closer China relates to the West, the more the West looks at everything Chinese as “other.” Of c…
- Certain cherished books are like old loves. We didn’t part on bad terms; but it’s complicated, and would require too much effor…
- Self-portrait w/ iPhone. Courtesy of the author.@ waryou cannot say yeah I participate in the warbut I isolate myself I separate myselfI sing & I celebrate #I I Iit is not us but…
- Photo (left to right): Dorothy Stafford, Kit Stafford, Hideo Hashimoto, and William Stafford. Courtesy: Aubrey Watzek Library Special Collections and Archives, Lewis & Clark…
- Photo by M./Flickr Today on the phone,first time in thirty years,my friend didn’t know me.Who? Where do you live?Where did we meet?She’s been slipping for a while.I wonder if that’s how God feels…
- GazaOnce in a tiny stripdark holes swallowed heartsand one child told anotherwithdraw your breathwhenever the night wind…
- While staring at the paper on his writing desk, the author wonders whether he’s building a new Tower of Babel.There is a poem I know, by a poet who shall remain unnamed, in which the poet eng…
- Photo by Giuliano Maiolini/FlickrNobel laureate Tomas Tranströmer is a poet of great spirituality and depth, but his language is deceptively simple. The following essay examines…
- Book transformation, letters, envelopes, and bookmarks by Marilyse Figueroa. Photos by Jen Rickard Blair.Drawn to a book by its cover, a reader decides to give it to a friend. But on her…
- Photo: Spanish Ministry of CultureThe 2013 recipient of the Miguel de Cervantes Prize, Elena Poniatowska Amor, delivered her acceptance speech yesterday (April 23, 2014) on the anniv…
- Photo by andifansnet/Flickr. Adaption by Jen Rickard Blair. Poem in your Pocket Day is tomorrow (April 24th), and you can celebrate by carrying your favorite poem with you and sharing it with…
- Photo zeze57/FlickrTo celebrate International Translation Day, we’ve invited translations of the following quote—about translation—by Andrés Neuman, the 2009 Alfaguara Prize-winning author and 2014 Pu…
- An aphorism is a distilled, laconic reflection about the author’s intimate experiences of reality, expressed through paradox, provocation, or shocking self-disclosure. Aphorisms cannot be conceived th…
- Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. played himself in the movie Back to School, where he comically helps the wealthy Thornton Melon (played by Rodney Dangerfield) in a homework scheme that backfires.“Dea…
- Photo Baijg/FlickrLeo Tolstoy, George Bernard Shaw, Isaac Bashevis Singer, and Franz Kafka walk into a bar (unlikely perhaps, but a good hypothetical start to any joke). The bartender offers them each…
- The Tigris River in Baghdad. Photo NewsHour/FlickrFor nearly two years, I worked on poems about my father’s early years in Baghdad. Every now and again, I slipped an occasional question to my dad, hop…
- Photo Flickr/CasualCaptureIt’s painful to hear people talk about my generation. The “millennials,” according to the critics, are a generation of addicts, our thumbs permanently scrolling through the f…
- Photo Flickr/NedraI“Thanks-giving,” said Mr. K., my seventh-grade English teacher. “Repeat after me: Thanksgiving.”“Ssshthanks give in,” I said, but the word tumbled and hissed, turning my mouth into…
- Twitter is perhaps the most dynamic social media platform available on the web. The Twitterverse is daily flooded with estimates of over 340 million bite-sized messages from its users, which total to…
- In this new series of blog posts we open a window into the creative spaces of our writers all around the world, getting a brief glimpse into how and where they each uniqely work through the creative p…
- Aphorisms were the form that gave me the most relief, that offered the deepest bloodletting. In the aphorism, I didn’t have to say “I,” I could just let the thing speak itself, so I didn’t feel compro…