The bruise of ink on white paper.
The words that line transcription and record.
I know I am more than this thin sheaf.
The written name of my village
can’t say anything about the openness
of it…
- Greg Jordan, “Moth, Glass, Hand,” Sept. 2009 / Flickr Before there is sausage and bread And blood-red wine Like the light Over the great lake Are you a ship Or a sequin Something so tin…
- Elephants in Etosha National Park, Namibia / Photo by Richard Jacobs on Unsplash for Reinaldo Arenas I have seen a land of regal elephants, you wrote some years ago, not many really…
- Photo: Marion Ettlinger[Meena Alexander, February 17, 1951 – November 21, 2018]for David, Adam & SvatiName me a wordGreat, simple, vast as the skyA word that has, li…
- Statue of Gandhi along San Francisco’s Embarcadero / Courtesy of Ilya Yakubovich / FlickrTo the farmers who braved the police on Gandhi’s birth anniversaryThe farmers left their fiel…
- María Verónica San Martín, from In Their Memory: Human Rights Violation in Chile, 1973–1990 (2012), silkscreen, digital print. San Martín is a Chilean born, Brooklyn-based artist currently wo…
- Photo by Andrew Neel / Unsplash Journal, or Story Without WordsAnd I follow the hand copying what it had written years ago,never knowing it woul…
- Photo by Sabah El Bashaheirloom Ninety thousand men, women and childrendragged their dust to rivers,dams were never built for.Under six cataractslie the bones of my ancestors.Under my bed is the…
- Sunset on Ithaka by T. Zengerink / FlickrOnce on IthacaWalking the harbor that day, I saw a cronesitting at a loom on her front porch.Was this Penelope, I wondered, weavingin midday h…
- Photo by Paul Streltsov / Unsplash Grief that is now old, I ask it to come and sit near me today.I’m sitting, there’s my shadow, and if grief indeed comes and sits beside meI will feel quite good…
- Photo: Peter DresselProtective by defaultaffectionate by designapron, youare my mother:sweet bread bakingblue veins racingdown white expansedotted with delicioussplatter and spill.My mother woreyou we…
- Photo by Michał Mancewicz / UnsplashBathing with Tender Care And not this time the body of my child,but my own skin, loving the wrinkled kneesand the scars dealt the…
- Photo (left to right) - Translator Rowena Galavitz (courtesy of Emerson Richards) and author Paula Ilabaca Núñez He’ll hang the heartsBlack…
- LifecyclesI was chatting with your executioner,a sweet, tidy man.He said because it’s me,I could choose the way you go out.He said when Eskimos get old,they wan…
- Photo by Atlas Green / Unsplash Boy for DorsenNever seen him in a school uniform.Inste…
- Mürtüz Yolcu (Enver) and Mansou Ciss (Otello) producing the radio play Blumen für Otello, April 9, 2014 / Photo by Sandro Most courtesy of Deutschlandradio Author’s note: Flower…
- Courtesy of Natalia_Kollegova/Pixabay Ibis The Ibis, in Egypt, was not a bird,he was Thoth, the god in the pyramidwith my heart in his scimitar beak.We are…
- Photo by Inhabitat/ FlickrHappy New YearEveryone’s waiting for the ball to drop.The President’s son-in-law is going to jail.Or maybe not.Information…
- Mural in Cochabamba, Bolivia / Photo by proyecto mARTaderoFor more on the poetry of Valdivia, read the companion essay by Margaret Randall. Aullido poema octogonalEn el graznido de mi no…
- Samoylov as a soldier in the Red Army in the 1940sTranslator’s note: In June 1944 David Samoylov (1920–1990), an important Russian-language poet who was then a soldier in the Red Army, was se…
- This view of Saturn’s rings from the “ringscape finale” series was among the last images Cassini sent back to Earth (September 13, 2017) / Courtesy of NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute…
- Gillie Rhodes, “Log pile,” November 7, 2009Late Autumn A butterfly searches our garden plants for blossoms I don’t see. Flitting, almost lurching, it lands at last on a ba…
- Grave at the US/Mexico border taken at a cemetery near Anthony, New Mexico, July 19, 2015 / Photo by Lanie ElizabethThe following is an excerpt from part 2 of a four-part poem called “The…
- Liu Xiaobo, 1991 / Courtesy of Wang YaTranslator’s note: This photo of Liu Xiaobo swimming surfaced on the Internet after the sea burial in Dalian, China. Those of us who were heartb…
- Bury Metell me wet limestone flinching coral reefs what’s it li…