Don Schofield

Courtesy of Dos Madres Press

Don Schofield’s poetry volumes include In Lands Imagination Favors (Dos Madres Press, 2014); Before Kodachrome (FutureCycle Press, 2012); The Known: Selected Poems (of Nikos Fokas), 1981–2000 (Ypsilon Books, 2010); Kindled Terraces: American Poets in Greece (Truman State University Press, 2004); Approximately Paradise (University Press of Florida, 2002); and Of Dust (March Street Press, 1991). A recipient of the 2010 Criticos Prize (UK), he has also received honors from, among others, the State University of New York, Anhinga Press, Southern California Anthology, and Princeton University, where he was a Stanley J. Seeger Writer-in-Residence. He has been a resident of Greece for many years.

  • August 7, 2018 Don Schofield
    Sunset on Ithaka by T. Zengerink / FlickrOnce on IthacaWalking the harbor that day, I saw a cronesitting at a loom on her front porch.Was this Penelope, I wondered, weavingin midday h…