Old New Griefs
August 2, 2018
translated by
Souradeep Roy

Photo by Paul Streltsov / Unsplash
Grief that is now old, I ask it to come and sit near me today.
I’m sitting, there’s my shadow, and if grief indeed comes and sits beside me
I will feel quite good; I’ll probably say to this new grief, go;
for a few days go and visit another garden of joy,
pluck some flowers, burn the green leaves, destroy destroy.
After a few days get tired from the trip. Then come,
sit beside me.
For now, offer some space to this old grief.
It wants to come and sit beside me
after having visited several gardens,
lighting up several homes of several people. Let it stay for a few days.
Let it have some peace, some company. You may come after that.
O newer grief you may come after that.