Poet John Kinsella inhabits and lends voice to the landscapes around him in Firebreaks. In Firebreaks (Norton, 2016), the title John Kinsella chooses for his twenty-third co…
- Marcel Duchamp, Nude Descending a Staircase (1912), oil on canvas, 147 × 89.2 cm, Philadelphia Museum of Art / The Louise and Walter Arensberg Collection, 1950Desnudo bajando una escaleraEste…
- Click here to read three poems by Joanna Pollakówna, never before translated into English.Joanna Pollakówna / Courtesy of Alice-Catherine CarlsJoanna Pollakówna (1939–2002) authored poems, bo…
- Giovanni Bellini, Pietà (1505), oil on wood, 65 x 90 cm, Gallerie dell’Accademia, VeniceFor more on the poetry of Pollakówna, read “A Terrible Ecstasy,” a companion essay by Alice-Catheri…
- It’s that time of the year again, National Poetry Month! Poem in Your Pocket Day is April 27, and in celebration, we offer these five poems to read, share, and carry in your pocket for later as we cel…
- Brian Turner / www.brianturner.org Brian Turner is an American writer and the author of Here, Bullet. He served seven years in the US Army and was deployed to Bosnia-Herzegovi…
- Anecdotes often shed light on the way we see art and literature. A few weeks ago, I was skimming through Rachel Corbett’s book in the Paris metro when a young man came toward me and asked me whether t…
- It is not easy to be a poet; certainly not when you live away from the language in which you feel, see, and analyze everything around you. Emigration isn’t easy for poets, who live to seize the world…
- Anna Frajlich-Zając / Courtesy of Culture.plThe year 2016 was one of homecoming for famed Polish American poet Anna Frajlich. Recently retired from her position as senior lecturer of Polish language a…
- The author of Between Day and Night (TCU Press, 2013), poet Miguel González-Gerth, now ninety, has written in traditional forms and in free verse. While his strong formal poems never fall hea…
- Eybers’s poem “Taalles” (Language Lesson) on the wall of the Anne Frank School in Leiden / Source: WikimediaWhether by personal predilection or because of powers beyond their control, poets are s…
- Bunches and Bits {Karina}, “Sepia,” November 2009 T. S. Eliot, in 1928, famously called Ezra Pound “the inventor of Chinese poetry for our time.”1 Eliot was referring to Pound’s renditions of fourt…
- Seb, “Gilded/Glider,” Amsterdam, October 8, 2008from Zodiac Early in the morning he wanders through the city.The silence is unnerving, and quickly the streetraises empty eyes to…
- Antti T. Nissinen, “Untitled” (spirit level), May 25, 2011Homesickness A house is something that stands up to a slopeby what it confronts on every side.But take note: say house in this c…
- News, Reviews, and InterviewsElectric Literature rounds up a farewell to “Reader-in-Chief” President Obama, recalling each and every one of President Obama’s book recommendations, reading lists,…
- Neo-Assyrian clay tablet. Epic of Gilgamesh, Tablet 11: Story of the Flood. Known as the "Flood Tablet." BabelStone/Wikimedia Is it realistic to anticipate the eventual discover…
- News, Reviews, and Interviews Literary Hub examines the “Murakami effect” and how the dominance of English affects how authors reach an international audience. NPR’s Juan Vidal named five of…
- News, Reviews, and Interviews WLT contributing editor and Best Translated Book Award judge George Henson writes for Three Percent about the Neustadt Prize and keeping the foreign in tran…
- Isis Olivier, La grive II (The thrush II), 2015. All illustrations courtesy of the artist.A Note on the Illustrations Diti Ronen: “I suddenly have this unexplained urge…
- News, Reviews, and Interviews The National Book Award winners have been announced! Colson Whitehead, Ibram X. Kendi, and Daniel Borzutzky have won for fiction, nonfiction, and poetry, respectivel…
- “When I read a necessary poem (which is different from just a good poem), it shakes me, even changes me a little, and deepens my understanding of the world,” Zeina Hashem Beck, Lebanese poet, said in…
- Karen Wild Díaz / courtesy of Actionyes.orgLast fall I finished translating a full-length manuscript by Karen Wild Díaz, the Uruguayan poet I’ve had the pleasure of working with since the American Lit…
- News, Reviews, and Interviews Bob Dylan (a 2012 finalist for Neustadt Prize) was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature on Thursday “for having created new poetic expressions within the great Amer…
- The translation of The Diamond Sutra by Kumārajīva of the Yao Ch’in dynasty, in a handwritten version by Zhang Jizhi of the Southern Song Dynasty in 1253. Kumārajīva had established…
- George Hart, Orb, 24x24x24 inches, laser-cut wood, 2014. According to Hart, these sixty identical laser-cut and laser-etched wood components illustrate chiral icosahedral symmetry (courtesy:…