Stanley Gazemba was working as a gardener when his first book, The Stone Hills of Maragoli, was published and won the 2003 Jomo Kenyatta Prize for Literature, Kenya’s to…
Anna Hernandez
- Give credit where credit is due. Though this may be difficult to do if one does not know where to give said credit. Many modern languages spoken have roots in multiple other languages, English being a…
- Six years after its initial French publication, Luis de Miranda’s novella Who Killed the Poet? (Qui a tué le poète?) is being translated into English and multiple other languages…
- It’s that time of the year again, National Poetry Month! Poem in Your Pocket Day is April 27, and in celebration, we offer these five poems to read, share, and carry in your pocket for later as we cel…
Stratford Theatre. Photo by Richard BainFor half the year, the hamlet of Stratford, Ontario—named after the birthplace of William Shakespeare—is much like any other small North American town. But in A…