A refugee’s shoes are worn, wet, and muddy after a long journey. These shoes are owned by Ali, a Yazidi refugee who traveled from Iraq to Preševo, Serbia, to avoid persecution (photo by Meabh…
- News, Reviews, and InterviewsIn this PBS News Hour interview, the newly sworn-in librarian of Congress, Carla Hayden, talks about being a “feisty fighter for freedom” and the first woman and African A…
- Tony Webster, Dakota Access Pipeline protest at the Sacred Stone Camp near Cannon Ball, North Dakota, August 25, 2016This poem addresses the demonstrations against the Dakota Access Pipel…
- Quinn Dombrowski, “Velvet Flower,” 2008For more, read “The Renaissance of Zofia Romanowicz,” an essay by Alice-Catherine Carls. The CircleLion fangs, bear claws…
- Interior of the DOKK1 library in Aarhus, Denmark. Photo by Zorro2212/WikimediaNews, Reviews, and Interviews The 2016 Ruth Lilly and Dorothy Sargent Rosenberg Poetry Fellowship winners have been a…
- On the Mexico City subway (2016) / Still from a film by Carolina RuedaUniversidad–Indios Verdesby Arturo Gutiérrez Plaza¿Para qué forzar los sueños y las pesadillassi aquí todo convulsiona ha…
- Photo by Syd Wachs/Unsplash News, Reviews, and Interviews The September issue of WLT is here! Get your print or digital copy, or read the entire issue on the website for only $1.25…
- A diagnostic nuclear radiologist, Amit Majmudar was named the first poet laureate of Ohio (2015–2017). He has published three books of poetry, including 0˚, 0˚ (2009), which was a finalist fo…
- Mohammadali F., “Daffodils,” Tehran, 2009Translator’s note: Regarded as one of the leaders of the movement of “New Poetry” in Iran, Nader Naderpour (1929–2000) composed many poems ce…
- Radio Atlas use subtitles to translate various forms of audio.News, Reviews, and InterviewsRadio Atlas is a new project that aims to translate sound art without destroying the poetry of its delivery.…
- Esther Schwarz, “Lush (66/365),” 2009. For more of Schwarz’s photos, visit Inside My Shell. Tangerinas de Natal«Será que eles ainda fazem?» Édomingopara segunda. Resolvesa teu f…
- Juan Felipe Herrera. Photo by Oregon State University/FlickrNews, Reviews, and Interviews On July 8, US poet laureate Juan Felipe Herrera published what he called a “sudden poem” on Poets.org in…
- Aaron Brown, “Brickyard,” Ati, Chad, March 2007Author’s note: I recently returned to Chad after a five-year absence and found the nation of my youth to be both the same and yet remar…
- Christopher, Tania, and Isabelle Luna, “Mountains and Rain” (the hills of Fuzhou), September 2009 The Hills Overlooking FuzhouLooking north you see them,roads like ragged scars on hard lean ribs:…
- Translator’s note: Considered Morocco’s greatest living poet, Abdellatif Laâbi wrote this poem in 1975, roughly three years into his decade-long prison sentence, one of many thousand…
- News, Reviews, and InterviewsThe 2017 NSK Neustadt Prize for Children’s Literature jury and finalists were announced this week. For the first time ever, the finalists are all women.Author Alexander Ch…
- Muhammad Ali signing autographs for Volendam women. Wikimedia CommonsNews, Reviews, and InterviewsNPR’s Juan Vidal writes about Muhammad Ali’s poetic side and his skill for linguist…
- Walter A. Aue, “Geraniums,” 2011“He’s growing on me,” a friend commented a few days after I sent her a small selection of Yevgeny Kropivnitsky’s poems. Considering the derivation of the poet’s surname…
- Jack Homme, “Goddess of Democracy 1989,” 2009About FreedomFinishing the booze in the dead of night Then smashing the glass This is not freedomOpening the window Jumping out, but forgetting which fl…
- News, Reviews, and Interviews Via Utne Reader, 2016 Neustadt Prize laureate Dubravka Ugrešić shares about the experience of being a finalist—and then winner—for a big literary prize…
- Photo by kl801/FlickrNews, Reviews, and Interviews South Korean writer Han Kang—featured on the cover of the current issue of WLT—has won the 2016 Man Booker International Prize for her…
- Jack Wolf, “Yellow spider mum,” 2009Franca Mancinelli (Italy) and Ming Di (China/USA) met at the International Translation Workshop organized by the Center of Slovenian Literature in Nove…
- Deborah Kass’s OY / YO sculpture in Brooklyn Bridge Park. Photo by DUMBOID, March 4, 2016. Whenever I start to translate a Yiddish poem, I worry about capitalization. As in a lot…
- An in-class haiku translation project (2013) / Photo courtesy of Kimiko HahnRecently, the Poetry Society of America announced award-winning poet Kimiko Hahn as its newly elected presiden…
- Photo: Comfreak/PixabayNews, Reviews, and InterviewsArchivists discovered unpublished works by Pablo Neruda in 2014, and those works will be published in English this May in a collection titled Th…