We’re back! We hope you had a wonderful holiday and a great start to 2014. Below, catch up on all the literary news and tidbits you might have missed while celebrating.News, Reviews, and Inter…
- This week, we published a special interview with Deji Olukotun, the inaugural PEN Freedom to Write Fellow, and one of the nine Neustadt 2013 jurors. In the interview (linked below), Deji spoke about c…
- This week, we said goodbye to a towering worldwide figure: Nelson Mandela. As a champion of peace, equality, and worldwide education, he touched the lives of many people around the world. A heartfelt…
- This week was all about new works and translations emerging out of the blue. First, new stories by J. D. Salinger appeared on a filesharing site and subsequently went viral. Then, previously unknown t…
- Our official list of Pushcart nominees from the 2013 issues of WLT is complete, and we've published all the pieces online for your reading convenience. The Pushcart Prize annually honors…
- Hollywood celebrities pass away in groups of three, they say; in the literary world, this phenomenon seems to happen in pairs. This past week, we said goodbye to two more literary figureheads: first,…
- Now that we’re nearing the end of the year, it’s time once again for people to debate the future of the book publishing industry. Will print publishing be totally replaced by digital publishing and eb…
- Welcome back to another edition of Friday Links! Last week, we were busy celebrating the 2013 Neustadt Festival with our amazing jurors and visiting authors. We also announced the next Neustadt laurea…
- People often say food is good for the soul, not just the stomach. Well, literature is a lot like food—it comforts the soul in ways nothing else can. A good book takes you to a place, a time, you…
- After Alice Munro and Eleanor Catton were announced as the Nobel Prize and Man Booker Prize winners, respectively, new questions have arisen about women in publishing. In the links below, you’ll find…
- “Halloween wraps fear in innocence, as though it were a slightly sour treat. Let terror, then, be turned into a treat.” – Nicholas GordonAs All Hallows’ Eve approaches, prepare yourself for lurkin…
- This week was officially Nobel Prize week! Since September, we’ve watched the odds for each hopeful rise and drop, and we waited on the edge of our seats Thursday as the winner was revealed. And after…
- In these new translations from Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese, you can visit the publishing houses of fifteenth-century Venice, the early years of Brasília, and twenty-first-century Buenos Aires.…
- We’re ushering in the new month and the change of weather with literary links inspired by fall. Below, you’ll find more speculation on the Nobel Prize (to be announced sometime soon), a plethora of au…
- André Naffis-Sahely and Breyten Breytenbach. Photo by Victor DlaminiPart 2 continues with highlights from the “Dancing in Other Words” festival; if you haven’t read part 1 a…
- This week we said goodbye to two literary giants: first to Seamus Heaney, who passed away this week at the age of 74. We also lost Frederik Pohl this week, champion of the sci-fi genre with a career s…
- As we celebrate the launch of the September issue this week, we aim to bring your attention to LGBT-related news from around the world, particularly as it relates to literature. You’ll find an article…
- As the date for the Nobel Prize announcement draws ever nearer, speculation has officially begun about who might be in the running this year. Check out the blog link below as well as our guest blog fr…
- This week brought up several important topics within literary discussions, including the state of Polish publishing houses and the right to free speech on the Internet. But there were also several fun…
- This week was all about new translations. Pieces by Jorge Luis Borges and César Aira were published this week, and forthcoming titles, including the much anticipated Library of Arabic Literature serie…
- Esther Allen and Susan BernofskyThis week’s Translation Tuesday features the second half of our interview with Esther Allen and Susan Bernofsky, the editors of the new c…
- There was much talk of the need for various revolutions within the literary world this week, including for modern poetry (again) and for quietness. Also new this week are several literary prize announ…
- Esther Allen and Susan BernofskyIn May, Columbia University Press released the collection In Translation: Translators on Their Work and What It Means. With eighteen essays from contributo…
- What a busy week for us at WLT—the nine Neustadt nominees have been announced! You can find the link for that list, as well as lists for other prizes announced this week, in the links be…
- Welcome to this week’s edition of Friday Lit Links—we hope you didn't miss them too much over the holiday. To make up for our absence, links this week include more fun finds and calendar items than us…