André Naffis-Sahely
- Hexham, UK. Bloodaxe Books. 2022. 80 pages. THE TITLE OF André Naffis-Sahely’s second volume of poetry, High Desert, suggests a collection celebrating a specific place…
- Tour guide at the Queen Mine in Bisbee / Photo by Scott Durgan / Flickr Last summer, I spent July and part of August in a straw-bale house in Cochise County, less than half an hour north of B…
- As 2018 drew to an end, my thoughts increasingly turned to the Eritrean writer Ribka Sibhatu, the first author I decided to work on when I took up literary translation professionally in 2010. Sibhat…
Photo: Maged/Flickr Throughout its 2,500-year history, irrespective of whether it was a Carthaginian colony, a Roman provincial capital, a Portuguese colony, an English naval outpost, or a Mor…
- Jeffers’s Tor House in Carmel / Photo by L. A. MomboisseThe Venice of my birth, a far cry from Casanova’s Serene Republic, whose spectre tourists chase at the tune of hundreds of euros a day, ha…
- Sarah Maguire / Courtesy of Bloodaxe BooksTrue translators take to their craft so intensely that they tend to hurtle toward invisibility, and in Britain, the land of the Anonymous Translator, nobody p…
- Poets attending the 2015 Festival Internacional de Poesía in Granada, Nicaragua. Photo: Arnulfo AgüeroIn her spellbinding The Country Under My Skin: A Memoir of Love and War (2002), Gioconda…
- Mohamed Nedali’s debut novel, Morceaux de choix: les amours d’un apprenti-boucher, was selected by Nobel laureate J. M. G. Le Clézio as the winner of the Prix Grand Atlas in 2005. I recen…
- I land in Los Angeles and meet up with Mandy Kahn and David Shook, who’ve just returned from a week in Seattle, armed with a box of poetry from AWP. After Mandy drops us off, David and I grab a quick…
- André Naffis-Sahely and Breyten Breytenbach. Photo by Victor DlaminiPart 2 continues with highlights from the “Dancing in Other Words” festival; if you haven’t read part 1 a…
- After being invited by Breyten Breytenbach to attend the “Dancing in Other Words” festival in Stellenbosch, South Africa, this past May, André Naffis-Sahely sent us the following travelogue. Part…