Kikisoblu and Her Cat 8 Ball

PEMCO Webster & Stevens Collection, Museum of History & Industry, Seattle; All Rights Reserved.
Kikisoblu had a blues sensibility like any other
Native woman given a corner in the city
Her black cat named 8 Ball
Her gig playing Indian round corners
In studios before painted nature scenes
And dead branches
She was a multidisciplinary artist
She performed while keeping her soul to herself
Kikisoblu flung down from her birthright
Given a shack
On her whole territory
Bet they charged her rent too
Though they are mighty quiet about the whole thing
As the next multimillion dollar home sells
I think of her shanty
On her entire land
Daughter of Chief Sealth known as Seattle
Thank you for this nice real estate
The man says
Sorry I’ve got work to do run along
To your hovel I’m off to build a mansion
White ladies renamed her their plaything
Their absolution of guilt
For stealing her inheritance
Princess Angeline
Eased their rest and greed and they took
Another picture
Oh look she’s holding a basket on Pike Place
She accepted another ten cents
For her time her breath this land still
This land. Still.