Negma Coy


Negma Coy (Chi Xot, Guatemala) is a Maya Kaqchikel writer, painter, actress, and teacher from Guatemala. She writes in Maya Kaqchikel, Spanish, and in Maya glyphs. She has published the poetry collections XXXK’ (2015), Soy un búho (2016), Lienzos de herencia (2017), A orillas del fuego (2017), Tz’ula’, Guardianes de los caminos (2019), and Kikotem – Historias, cuentos y poesía kaqchikel (2019). She paints with oils on fabric, wood, and clay, teaches backstrap-loom weaving, and has participated in a number of theatrical productions in her town. She works with several different collectives so that the art of Indigenous peoples continues to flourish. She has participated nationally and internationally in numerous art and poetry festivals.