Photo of Barcelona by ikuday /
My amada and I arrived in Barcelona from Paris. We saw from the start the two cities have much in common. Both went through architectural reorganizat…
J. R. Patterson
Photo of Bordeaux, France by JackF / In December 1801 the poet Friedrich Hölderlin accepted a position as tutor at the Bordeaux residence of German wine merchant Daniel Christoph M…
Photo by Reiseuhu and Katia De Juan / Literature can change the way we celebrate. The bull-running and fighting of Spain’s San Fermin festival was just a local affair before Hemingway…
Photo by Jacob Boomsma / In the Toronto airport, a young woman moved her bag from a seat so that someone might sit down. “You can sit here, eh. I’m from Brandon, in ‘Friendly Manit…
See something once, and you see it everywhere. In Quito’s old town it was geraniums: on the curly-whirly balconies, in the porticoes of the old baroque buildings, and the great open squares, there wer…