Two Poems

a day a life, between death and birth,
under the moon, two shadows, flung to wilderness,
merge, moonwane, glimmering receptacle-world,
in veil or in view, wherever wind goes not, a shadow’s cast,
wending apace, ether and vale, wending apace,
imprints and shadows, wending apace,
bloom-open bloom-fall,
a shallow pond saves the moon, severed river,
unforsaking mountain, mind delivered to sky’s edge,
looking down,
mortal coil
pace at heaven’s ledge : dwarf star falling :
a one-sun distance : muse muse can’t let go :
fire gathering : myriad world : from far afield ask : whence :
gaze upon the earth : one leaf drops :
no buttress : no rest :
wind wends the bamboo grove : powder of rain :
dissolving earth and yonder :
fog cover : mortal coil : a flame left to its own fuel :
haze of tree shades : one touch and it passes :
eyes closed : the fumes disperse : hair gone white :
mountains rivers mother earth :
shaken as from a dream
Translations from the Chinese
Editorial note: From the manuscript Prelapsarian Bloom.