Mukōjima-Hyakkaen Garden. Photo: Tyler McElroy
NEAR THE HEART of old Tokyo, surrounded by the largest metro area in the world, the Mukōjima-Hyakkaen Garden provides a respite from the bustle…
Tyler McElroy
Photo: Tyler McElroy TORONTO IS ONE of the largest and most diverse cities in North America, a vibrant urban center whose culture constantly fluctuates alongside the many uni…
Photo: Ethan Hoover/Flickr AMONG THE ELITE East Coast cities, Philadelphia is often overlooked in favor of such coastal metropolises as New York and Boston. At first glance,…
Barcelona, Spain. Photo: Ondrej Pospisil/Flickr Few things create a literary moment as reliably as a road trip, and it is common knowledge that road trips and books pair up like fine wine and aged…
Photo: Tyler McElroyWHEN THINKING OF San Diego, most people imagine palm trees, sand, and ocean breeze. Over thirty-five million tourists visit the city each year, and most come…
- >Haruki Murakami’s Kafka on the Shore is a uniquely compelling book that mixes the mundane and the mystical into a wonderful representation of magical realism and modern Japanese culture.…
photo: Tyler McElroyAbustling center of business and culture, New York City is host to one of the most vibrant literary scenes in America. Manhattan and its surrounding boroughs are often featured in…