A Rohingya Refugee

“I can be killed here in Bangladesh.
My body can earn a proper funeral.
Sending me back to Myanmar is immature,
Not even the assurance of a funeral there!”
Triggering suicidal ideas in Cox’s Bazaar
While my sisters are trafficked and my brothers kidnapped.
Every refugee wishes to go back home,
Why do I need to deny myself?
Despite the longest-running mind movie,
I still shout for justice.
All I want is to live again in my own home,
A safe life, to enjoy my rights.
The world I knew has gone,
My people were killed and displaced.
It’s the fourth time I have fled Bangladesh,
My life is spent just trying to survive.
I always ask myself during repatriation:
“Is this the last time?”
“Could I be fortunate enough to escape again?”
This time it is different. My heart is asking me.
Editorial note: Read Mayyu’s interview with James Byrne.