Alan Cheuse by Josh Cheuse | Courtesy of NPRThe editors of WLT were deeply saddened to hear the news of Alan Cheuse’s passing last week at the age of seventy-five. Dr. Cheuse ser…
Short Fiction
- for Adolfo Bioy CasaresBy Alicia D'Amico [Public domain or Public domain],via Wikimedia CommonsToday, September 15, would have been Adolfo Bioy Casares’s 100th birthday. A protég…
- In the middle of the nineteenth century, both Gustave Flaubert and Florence Nightingale traveled in Egypt. Enid Shomer imagined them meeting, and the result is her debut novel, The Twelve Roo…
- Hollywood celebrities pass away in groups of three, they say; in the literary world, this phenomenon seems to happen in pairs. This past week, we said goodbye to two more literary figureheads: first,…
- Illustration by Jen RickardOn March 13 fiction star Amelia Gray will perform in Boston at the seven-year anniversary of the raucous phenomenon known as the Literary Death Match, a monthly competition…
- Photo by Michael McKelvaney/FlickrI read Robert Shapard’s remarks about “flash” fiction in the September 2012 issue of WLT with a great deal of interest. Having spent quite a bit of time in m…
- As a special treat this Monday, we're delighted to share a clip from the audiobook of Israeli author Etgar Keret's newest collection of short stories, Suddenly, a Knock on the Door. Ira…
- Twitter is perhaps the most dynamic social media platform available on the web. The Twitterverse is daily flooded with estimates of over 340 million bite-sized messages from its users, which total to…
- Nathan Englander and Etgar Keret at the Edinburgh International Book FestivalIsraeli author Etgar Keret and American author and translator Nathan Englander spoke in fervor and friendship about the art…