Warren Motte

Warren Motte is College Professor of Distinction at the University of Colorado. He specializes in contemporary French literature, with particular focus upon experimentalist works that put accepted notions of literary form into question. His most recent books include Fables of the Novel: French Fiction since 1990 (2003), Fiction Now: The French Novel in the Twenty-First Century (2008), and Mirror Gazing (2014).

  • March 29, 2017 Warren Motte
    Roberto Giannotti, “Island within an Island,” August 28, 2012In early 2014, Maylis de Kerangal wrote a short text entitled À ce stade de la nuit [At this point of the night] at the invitation…
  • Warren Motte
    Champaign, Illinois. Dalkey Archive Press. 2014. ISBN 9781628970142 What do we see when we read? For Warren Motte, the question is more properly stated, what do we see reflected when we…
  • July 2, 2013 Warren Motte
    “Dogs bark,” writes Warren Motte, “for the same reasons that I write: it’s our way of coming to terms with things, gropingly, imprecisely, and as best we can.” Photo: Thomas Hawk/FlickrI…
  • September 19, 2012 Warren Motte
    Photo by Michael McKelvaney/FlickrI read Robert Shapard’s remarks about “flash” fiction in the September 2012 issue of WLT with a great deal of interest. Having spent quite a bit of time in m…