May Translations

May 21, 2013
by WLT

In these May translations from Bulgarian, French, and Norwegian, you can see Marseilles through Jean-Claude Izzo’s eyes, witness a Swiss schoolteacher’s emotional crisis, watch Karl Ove Knausgaard’s life unfold in Stockholm, and take a Balkan road trip.  If you’re yearning to travel but unable to get away, these new translations may be the next best thing. 

Garlic, Mint, and Sweet Basil

Garlic, Mint, & Sweet Basil: Essays on Marseilles, The Mediterranean, and Noir Fiction by Jean-Claude Izzo

Translated by Howard Curtis


The Tyrant

The Tyrant by Jacques Chessex

Translated by Martin Sokolinsky


My Struggle

My Struggle by Karl Ove Knausgaard

Translated by Don Bartlett


A Short Tale of Shame

A Short Tale of Shame by Angel Igov

Translated by Angela Rodel