Interior of the DOKK1 library in Aarhus, Denmark. Photo by Zorro2212/WikimediaNews, Reviews, and Interviews The 2016 Ruth Lilly and Dorothy Sargent Rosenberg Poetry Fellowship winners have been a…
Race Matters
- Episode summary One of the country’s worst acts of violence against a minority community happened in Oklahoma. The 1921 Tulsa Race Riot led to the destruction of Greenwood, a wealthy all-bl…
- Jose Antonio Vargas holds a sign at a Mitt Romney presidential campaign rally in 2011 in a scene from his film “Documented.” Photo courtesy of Apo Anak Productions.Episode summary Pulitzer P…
- Just weeks before voters caucus in Iowa and head to the polls in New Hampshire, who will become the two major parties’ standard-bearers and win the nominations is still anyone’s guess. But race…
- Episode summary Blowback against the long-standing use of Native American mascots highlights issues of identity and cultural appropriation. Supporters of using Native American symbols, names, and…
- News, Reviews, and Interviews In this article from the New York Review of Books, Tim Parks details the “translation paradox.” Recent WLT contributor Gabeba Baderoon has bee…
- Image: MyBookmark/EtsyNews, Reviews, and Interviews This Hong Kong bookseller is keeping banned books on his shelves, selling works that are critical of the Chinese leadership. Slovenian aut…
- News, Reviews, and Interviews This week on the Race Matters radio show, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Jose Antonio Vargas discusses race and immigration with WLT art director Merleyn…
- Welcome back to our weekly literary roundups! The year has gotten off to an exciting start with WLT’s 90th anniversary, and lots of interesting things are happening in the literary world. Her…
- Dr. George Henderson and WLT art director Merleyn Bell in the KGOU studio.Issues related to race have become headline news with greater frequency in recent years. As a result, my own lack of…