Major Jackson / Photo courtesy of the author. Kehinde Wiley’s Morpheus (2008) appears on the cover of Roll DeepMajor Jackson’s latest book of poetry, Roll Deep (Norton,…
Mikhail Bakhtin
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Lucy Coleman (left) and Lala Mammadova
World Literature Today (WLT) is pleased to announce the winners of the inaugural…
Kwame Dawes courtesy of Blue Flower Arts
“It is evident,” writes Chinua Ezenwa-Ohaeto, “that the combination of Kwame Dawes’s…
Photo by Igne B / Unsplash
The author explores some common issues in translation and how they might affect translation of queer texts.…
Photo by Lucas Alexandros / Flickr
Lilach Galil’s 2009 novel, Betsilo (In its shadow), is a polyphonic novel told by the…
WLT’s executive director, editors, and staff all deeply mourn the passing of David L. Boren, who died on February 20, 2025. Nick Hathaway, who…