Sodanie Chea, “Day 96: Free Falling – Explored” / Flickr
Israeli writer Tehila Hakimi’s Company (2018) is an experimental, fragmentary text—addressed to a nameless “woman in a wo…
- News, Reviews, and Interviews In this article from the New York Review of Books, Tim Parks details the “translation paradox.” Recent WLT contributor Gabeba Baderoon has bee…
- News, Reviews, and InterviewsIn preparation for Martin Luther King Jr. Day, the Academy of American Poets has curated this list of poems in honor and celebration.Poet Allison Hedge Coke, recently publ…
- This will be our last roundup of literary news and fun finds until we return from the holiday break. Thank you for reading along with us this year. We’ll see you in January, when we’ll be kickin…