Valzhyna Mort on the power of language, #1000BlackGirlBooks, and more

News, Reviews, and Interviews
In this radio interview with OU’s NPR affiliate, recent Neustadt juror Valzhyna Mort details her passion for poetry and the power of language.
The schedule of events for the 2016 Puterbaugh Festival featuring Alain Mabanckou is now available, and the festival will be hosted by WLT at the University of Oklahoma, April 6-8.
Translation is the guiding metaphor in Rachel Cantor’s second novel, Good on Paper.
Ploughshares has launched a new blog series about reading more native literature.
In this Literary Hub interview with Jhumpa Lahiri, she discusses old-world family units, being busy, and the pleasure of physical books.
For the first time ever, Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird is coming to Broadway.
An eleven-year-old girl, frustrated with the lack of children’s books with black protagonists, has started a project called #1000BlackGirlBooks.
Italy’s leading television production company is adapting Elena Ferrante’s Neapolitan novels into thirty-two episodes of dramatic TV.
Asymptote journal has released a handy educators’ guide to its January 2016 issue.
In this post from the Paris Review archives, you can see Neustadt laureate Elizabeth Bishop’s poem “Homesickness” in its original form: handwritten in black ink from a page in her notebooks.
There’s still time to pre-order a signed copy of Yahia Lababidi’s newest collection, Balancing Acts: New & Selected Poems, 1993–2015.
Fun Finds and Inspiration
For Valentine’s Day, Flavorwire lists 50 books to cure heartbreak.
Via NPR, National Book Award winner Jesmyn Ward (her prizewinning novel Salvage the Bones was about Hurricane Katrina-era Mississippi) weighs in on Beyoncé’s music video for her new song “Formation.”
Chronicle Books wonders: What does your bookmark say about you?
Enjoy literary quizzes? Try the New York Times’ Literature of Love quiz by matching the characters with their beloved.