Banned Books Week, German Book Prize shortlist, and more

News, Reviews, and Interviews
Young-adult books are often challenged. This article from the Los Angeles Times lists the 10 most banned and challenged young-adult books from 2014-2015.
For Banned Books Week, this infographic on Electric Literature takes a journey through book censorship history.
The Lighthouse Writers Workshop published a lot of new podcasts this week, including readings of stories and poetry from the May 2015 issue of World Literature Today.
PEN International members from around the world translated a poem by Eritrean poet Amanuel Asrat into 14 languages for International Translation Day.
MaThoko’s Books opened its call for entries for Queer Africa II: New and Collected Fiction this week. Short stories can be submitted through January 31, 2016.
This year’s “Genius grant” winners have been announced, and writers Ta-Nehisi Coates and Ben Lerner carry the literary focus among winners that include scientists, artists, and scholars.
The shortlist for the 2015 German Book Prize was announced. Six authors made the shortlist, including recent WLT contributor Jenny Erpenbeck.
Fun Finds and Inspiration
For International Translation Day, Waterstones shared 5 words and phrases that were derived from mistranslations.
File this one under “book art.” Artist Ramon Todo has embedded books with sleek layers of laminate glass for an effect that’s sure to fascinate fans of books in their physical form.
This list on Book Riot takes 8 classic novels and retitles them as clickbait.