Photo by Tyler Quiring / Unsplash
Ismail Kadare has a remarkable quality of saying a great deal and with much clarity, but in an elusive, oblique, and allegorical way. Peter Constantine s…
Ismail Kadare
- Photo by J. Foley Opale World Literature Today, the University of Oklahoma’s award-winning magazine of international literature and culture, announced late Wednesday evening tha…
- Ismail KadareI should hate Ismail Kadare. I should hate him because I am Macedonian, and he is Albanian, and our two peoples have been enemies for centuries and went to war as recently as a dozen year…
- As Banned Books Week comes to a close, we shift our gaze upon the censorship of authors on an international scale. Below is a list of 17 books that have been banned in the last decade. The original ve…