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  • Simona Vaitkute

    Simona Vaitkute is an environmental journalist, educator, and campaigner living in Lithuania. She runs the annual Miško Festival, a project dedicated to ecological culture and exploration of our relationship with nature.

  • Ashok Vajpeyi

    Ashok Vajpeyi (b. 1941) has published thirteen books of poetry and five books of literary criticism in Hindi, plus four books on the visual arts and music in English. His work has been translated into many languages, with books in English, French, and Polish. He has also received the Sahitya Akademi award, Kabir Samman, and high civil honors from the governments of France and Poland. A poet, critic, editor, and lover of arts, he lives in Delhi where he is also currently chairman of the Lalit Kala Akademi, the National Academy of Visual Arts.

  • Rita Valdivia

    The poet Rita Valdivia, or “La Comandante Maya” as she is remembered by her revolutionary comrades, was born in Cochabamba, Bolivia, in 1946. A member of the Bolivian National Liberation Army (ELN), she was appointed leader of the underground movement in Cochabamba and died there in July 1969 at the age of twenty-three. Read more about her in Margaret Randall’s companion essay.

  • Rositta Joseph Valiyamattam

    Rositta Joseph Valiyamattam is coordinator, Centre for Languages, GITAM University, India. A gold medalist in English from Andhra University, her doctoral thesis was on the Indian English novel. Her book Personal and National Destinies in Independent India was published by Cambridge Scholars (UK) in 2016. She has presented twenty papers at national and international seminars and published over thirty articles in reputed literary journals and anthologies.

  • Photo by Christina Antondiv>

    Fernando Valverde

    Fernando Valverde (b. 1980, Granada) has been voted the most relevant Spanish-language poet born since 1970 by nearly two hundred critics and researchers from more than one hundred international universities. For his collaboration in a work of fusion between poetry and flamenco, he was nominated for a Latin Grammy in 2014. He teaches poetry at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville.

  • Maghiel van Crevel

    Maghiel van Crevel is professor of Chinese language and literature at Leiden University. A specialist of contemporary poetry, he is the author, editor, and translator of a dozen books in English, Dutch, and Chinese, most recently Chinese Poetry and Translation: Rights and Wrongs (with Lucas Klein).

  • Nikolaos van Dam

    The author of seven books and numerous articles and book reviews, Nikolaos van Dam is a former Ambassador of the Netherlands in Baghdad, Cairo, Ankara, Berlin, and Jakarta.

  • Lee van Laer

    Lee van Laer ( was born in Yonkers, New York. He is an artist, musician, photographer, poet, and writer. He is currently one of the senior editors for Parabola magazine.

  • Ilse van Staden

    Ilse van Staden is a writer, artist, and veterinarian. Though most of her published work (poetry, short stories, and a novel) is in her home language, Afrikaans, she has now also published two novels in English.

  • Emma M. Vandamme

    Emma M. Vandamme is a Flemish exchange student at the University of Oklahoma, where she currently takes English and German literature classes. Her hobbies include singing, playing piano, and theater. She is pursuing a career in the field of children’s literature.

  • Iclal Vanwesenbeeck

    Iclal Vanwesenbeeck is an associate professor at the State University of New York Fredonia where she teaches courses in world literature, global citizenship, and a study-abroad course in Iceland.

  • Víctor Vegas

    Víctor Vegas is a novelist, short-story writer, and playwright, born in Barquisimeto, Venezuela, in 1967. Both his narrative and dramaturgical works have obtained international recognition through publications, awards, and performances. His most recent titles are the novels La edad del rock and roll (2015) and Me llaman Big (2019), the collection of stories La naturaleza de las cosas (2018), and the short plays Una sensación vital (2016) and A Kind of Magic (2021)

  • Sathyaraj Venkatesan

    Sathyaraj Venkatesan is an associate professor of English in the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences at the National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli. He is an international field bibliographer with the Modern Language Association of America (PMLA). His research interests include literature and medicine, graphic medicine, and critical medical humanities.

  • Iossif Ventura

    Iossif Ventura was born in Greece and lives in Athens. He writes and translates poetry and participates in poetry-related fora and conferences. His elegy TANAIΣ, in a bilingual edition, was published by Red Heifer Press in 2015. His poems have been translated into English, French, Hebrew, Spanish, Serbian, and Arabic (see WLT, Jan. 2016, 22–25).

  • Lawrence Venuti

    Lawrence Venuti is, most recently, the author of Translation Changes Everything: Theory and Practice (Routledge) and the translator of Ernest Farrés’s Edward Hopper: Poems (Graywolf), which won the Robert Fagles Translation Prize. He guest-edited the September 2009 cover feature of WLT devoted to Catalan literature. Click here to read a review of Translation Changes Everything.

  • Photo by Aaron Windhorstdiv>

    José Vergara

    José Vergara is an assistant professor of Russian at Bryn Mawr College. He specializes in prose of the long twentieth century, with an emphasis on experimental works. His first book, All Future Plunges to the Past: James Joyce in Russian Literature, examines Russian writers’ reception of Joyce’s fiction. He has published on authors including Vladimir Nabokov, Mikhail Shishkin, and Sasha Sokolov, among others, in a variety of journals, and his writing and interviews can also be found in the Los Angeles Review of Books, Asymptote, Words Without Borders, and Music & Literature.

  • Namrata Verghese

    Namrata Verghese is an undergraduate and Robert W. Woodruff Scholar at Emory University. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Nimrod International Journal, PRISM international, storySouth, and elsewhere. Her first collection of short stories, Hyphenated, is forthcoming from Speaking Tiger Books in 2019.

  • Luís Fernando Veríssimo

    Luís Fernando Veríssimo was born in 1936 in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul. The son of author and professor Érico Veríssimo, he grew up between Brazil and the US. He has published several novels, and his crônicas have appeared in major national publications. He was also the author of As Cobras, a comic strip that began in 1975, in the midst of the military dictatorship, and ran for twenty years.

  • Vickie Vértiz

    The child of immigrants, Vickie Vértiz has had work published in the New York Times magazine, the Los Angeles Review of Books, and the San Francisco Chronicle. Her book Palm Frond with Its Throat Cut won the 2018 PEN America Prize in poetry. She teaches writing at UC–Santa Barbara.

  • Valentina Viene

    Valentina Viene is a literary translator from Arabic and Italian to English. A freelance journalist and editor, her work has appeared in a number of magazines and blogs in the form of book reviews, interviews with authors, and event reports.

  • Enrique Vila-Matas

    Enrique Vila-Matas (born March 31, 1948, in Barcelona) is a Spanish Catalan novelist who has had a long and outstanding literary career and is one of the most prestigious and original writers in contemporary Spanish fiction. He is the author of several award-winning books that mix different genres like metafiction and have been translated into thirty languages.

  • Idea Vilariño

    Idea Vilariño (18 August 1920–28 April 2009) was an Uruguayan poet, essayist, and literary critic and a well-known member of the literary and intellectual group known as the Generation of ’45, which included Juan Carlos Onetti, Mario Benedetti, Amanda Berenguer, and, as an ex-officio Argentine member, Jorge Luis Borges. She was a high school literature teacher from 1952 until the military dictatorship in 1973. After the restoration of democracy until her death, she was a professor of literature at the Universidad de la República in Montevideo. She was the author of twelve books of poetry, among the best known of which are Nocturnos (1955) and Poemas de amor (1957). Her collected poems, Poesía completa, was published in Uruguay in 2009. She was also the author of five books of essays and literary criticism.

  • Photo by Keno Rodríguezdiv>

    Vanessa Vilches Norat

    Vanessa Vilches Norat is a short-story and essay writer. She has published the story collections Geografías de lo perdido (2018), Espacios de color cerrado (2012; winner of the Puerto Rico PEN Club Competition, 2013), and Crímenes domésticos (2007). She is also the author of a book of essays, De(s)madres o el rastro materno en las escrituras del Yo (2003), and two collections of newspaper columns. She is a professor of Spanish and literature at the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras.

  • Photo: Oscar Garciadiv>

    Nadia Villafuerte

    Nadia Villafuerte was born in Mexico in 1978. She is the author of two collections of short stories, Barcos en Houston (Ships in Houston) and ¿Te gusta el látex, cielo? (Do you like latex, Honey?), and the novel Por el lado salvaje (On the wild side).

  • Federico Villegas

    Federico Villegas resides in the Colombian Andes where, as a physician, he works to bridge the gaps of social inequality while dreaming of being a writer. He has published two articles in medical journals.

  • Juan Villoro

    Juan Villoro (b. 1956, Mexico City) has been recognized for his journalistic and literary work with such international prizes as the Premio Herralde de Novela, Premio Xavier Villaurrutia, Premio Rey de España, and the Prix Antonin Artaud. A columnist for the newspaper Reforma, where this essay first appeared, he is the author of God Is Round (2016) and The Wild Book (2017), both published by Restless Books.

  • Marc Vincenz

    Marc Vincenz’s eighth collection of poetry is Becoming the Sound of Bees (Ampersand Books, 2015); a book-length poem, Sibylline, is forthcoming. He has translated many German-language poets, including Herman Hesse Prize winner Klaus Merz. He is executive editor of MadHat Press and serves on the editorial boards of the journals Plume and Fulcrum.

  • Jodie Noel Vinson

    Jodie Noel Vinson holds an MFA in nonfiction creative writing from Emerson College. Her work has been published in Ploughshares, Agni, Lit Hub, Harvard Review, The Rumpus, Creative Nonfiction, Gettysburg Review, Massachusetts Review, and Nowhere Magazine, among other places. She is currently working on a book about insomnia.

  • Kirsten Viohl

    Kirsten Viohl is a WLT intern.

  • Liliana Viola

    Liliana Viola (b. 1963, Buenos Aires) is a writer and journalist. She founded and edited SOY, the first and only LGBTQ+ supplement published by a national newspaper (Página/12) in Argentina. Her books include a biography of Argentina’s most successful soap opera writer, Migré, and a biography of the writer Aurora Venturini, Esta no soy yo.