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Sophia Galifianakis
Sophia Galifianakis teaches at the University of Michigan, where she received her MFA in poetry. Her poems have appeared in Plume, Western Humanities Review, Arts & Letters, the Hollins Critic, Greensboro Review, and other journals. She has received scholarships from the West Chester Poetry Conference, Poetry by the Sea, and the Vermont Studio Center.
Lilach Galil
Lilach Galil is an award-winning writer and poet, writing in Hebrew. In 1994 she won Hebrew University of Jerusalem’s Harry Hershon Award for her short stories. In Its Shadow (published in Israel in 2009) is her third novel. In addition to her three novels, Galil has published two short-story collections, two poetry books, and a prose-poetry book. Her works have appeared in numerous Hebrew literary publications. Galil, who holds an MFA in creative writing from the University of Haifa, is also known for her inspiring nature writing retreats.
Matt Gallagher
Matt Gallagher is the author of four books, including Youngblood, a finalist for the Dayton Literary Peace Prize, and Daybreak, a novel about the ongoing Russo-Ukrainian conflict, forthcoming in February from Atria/Simon & Schuster. He lives in Tulsa with his family.
Martín Gambarotta
Martín Gambarotta has published three books of poetry: Punctum (1996), Seudo (2000, republished as an expanded version Seudo/Dubitación in 2014), and Relapso+Angola (2005). Between 1996 and 2006 he was editor of, a website dedicated to contemporary Latin American poetry. For many years he was news editor and political columnist with the Buenos Aires Herald.
Myrsini Gana
Myrsini Gana was born in Athens, Greece. She studied English literature in Athens and cultural management in Brussels, Belgium. She has been translating literature for the last ten years and has translated into Greek most of David Sedaris’s books as well as works by Sylvia Plath, Jonathan Safran Foer, Kate Atkinson, Truman Capote, and others.
Janny Gandhi
Janny Gandhi is a prelaw intern at WLT.
Photo: Dexter Fletcherdiv>Vanessa Garcia
Vanessa Garcia is a multidisciplinary writer. Her play Amparo is currently running in Miami. Her debut novel, White Light, was one of NPRs Best Books of 2015. Most recently, she was a Sesame Street Writer’s Room Fellow and is currently a WP Theatre Lab fellow as well as a professor of writing at SCAD (Savannah College of Art and Design).
Enza García Arreaza
Enza García Arreaza (b. 1987, Venezuela) is a short-fiction writer and poet, author of Cállate poco a poco (2008), El bosque de los abedules (2010), Plegarias para un zorro (2012), El animal intacto (2015), and Cosmonauta (2020). In 2017 she was a resident at the University of Iowa’s International Writing Program and at the Pittsburgh City of Asylum. During 2018 and 2020 she was a Fellow at the International Writers Project for endangered writers at Brown University.
Rina Garcia Chua
Rina Garcia Chua (she/her/siya) is a creative and critical scholar from the Philippines who is currently based in unceded tm'xʷúlaʔxʷ (lands) of the syilx / Okanagan peoples. She is completing her poetry collection, A Geography of (Un)Natural Hazards, which is a visual and poetic response to environmental injustice in migrant cultures and liminal spaces.
Gabriel García Márquez
Gabriel García Márquez (b. 1927) was born in Aracataca, Colombia, where his maternal grandparents raised him for the first nine years of his life. He began his career in writing as a journalist while studying at the University of Cartagena, writing columns for the university's paper. In 1955 García Márquez published his first novella, La Hojarasca (tr. Leaf Storm, Penguin Books, 1972), a stream-of-consciousness story about a young boy's first encounter with death. But it would not be until the publication of Cien años de soledad (1967; tr. One Hundred Years of Solitude, Avon, 1970) that he would become the literary figure he remains to this day. He won the 1972 Neustadt Prize.
Pedro García-Caro
Pedro García-Caro is Assistant Professor of Spanish at the University of Oregon. His research focuses on the relations between nationalist narratives and the discourses of progress and modernity as seen by intellectuals and writers in Latin America, the US, and Spain.
Blanca Garnica
Blanca Garnica (b. 1944, Cochabamba) is a Bolivian poet and teacher of literature. She has published twelve collections of poetry, and her poetry has appeared in numerous national periodicals and anthologies. In 2017 Garnica was honored by the Cochabamba International Book Fair for her contributions to Bolivian literature.
Kylie Garrett
Kylie Garrett is a senior at the University of Oklahoma pursuing a bachelor’s degree in advertising and a minor in editing and publishing. While focusing on her efforts in school, she is also involved as a social media intern, local retail associate, and a small art business owner.
Kevin Gass
Kevin Gass ( is a New York-based photojournalist and graduate of Rice University. He can be reached at [email protected].
Ana Marques Gastão
Ana Marques Gastão is a Portuguese poet, essayist, and researcher at the University of Lisbon. She is currently the assistant editor of Colóquio Letras, a literary journal published by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation in Lisbon. She has authored many books of poetry, including Nocturnos (2002), Nós/Nudos (2004), Lápis Mínimo (2008), and Adornos (2011).
A photo of translator Edward Gauvindiv>Edward Gauvin
Edward Gauvin's work has won the John Dryden Translation prize and the Science Fiction and Fantasy Translation Award and been nominated for the French-American Foundation and Oxford Weidenfeld Translation prizes. The translator of more than 250 graphic novels, he is a contributing editor for comics at Words Without Borders and has written on the francophone fantastic at Weird Fiction Review.
Kristina Gavran
Kristina Gavran is a writer from Croatia. Her novel Gitara od palisandra (The Palisander Guitar, 2018) was shortlisted for the European Literature Award. Her book of short stories, Kiša u Indiji, ljeto u Berlinu (Rain in India, Summer in Berlin, 2016), won the best debut award by the Croatian Writers’ Association. Gavran lives in England, where she is a PhD researcher and theater-maker.
Ana Gayoso
Ana Gayoso is a writer, performer, and cultural worker from Buenos Aires. Within the vast multiverse of arts and cultures, her expressions focus on an Afro–Latin American matrix, in an ongoing search for ancestrality. She is author of Resaca poética de tiempos pasados (2018), published under the pseudonym Ana De Los Santos.
Stanley Gazemba
Stanley Gazemba is the author of several novels, including Forbidden Fruit. He lives in Nairobi, Kenya, and is an editor at Ketebul Music.
Photo of Juan Gelman © Enrique Hernández D’Jesúsdiv>Juan Gelman
One of Latin America’s most influential contemporary poets, Juan Gelman (1930–2014) was the author of more than two dozen collections of poetry and a number of volumes of essays. A leftist political activist, he was the recipient of Argentina’s National Literature Prize and Spain’s Premio Cervantes, the most prestigious award in the Spanish language.
Jeremiah Gentle
Jeremiah Gentle is a WLT intern and student at the University of Oklahoma where he focuses on international studies.
Photo © Sofia Camplioni Photographydiv>Phoebe Giannisi
Phoebe Giannisi is the author of seven books of poetry, including Homerica (Kedros, 2009) and Rhapsodia (Gutenberg, 2016). A 2016 Humanities Fellow at Columbia University, Giannisi co-edits FRMK, a biannual journal of poetry, poetics, and visual arts. Her work lies at the border between poetry, performance, theory, and installation, investigating the connections between language, voice, and writing with body, place, and memory. She is an associate professor at the School of Architecture, University of Thessaly, and currently lives in Volos, Greece.
María Ayete Gil
María Ayete Gil is a doctoral student at the University of Salamanca. Her research focuses on politics in contemporary Spanish narrative.
Ruth Gilligan
Ruth Gilligan is an Irish novelist, journalist, and creative writing lecturer now living in the UK. Her fourth novel, Nine Folds Make a Paper Swan (Tin House Books 2017), was inspired by the history of the Jewish community in Ireland; read Lanie Tankard’s review of the novel from the May 2017 issue of WLT. Gilligan contributes regular literary reviews to the Guardian, TLS, Irish Independent, and the Los Angeles Review of Books.
Dana Gioia
Born in Los Angeles of Italian and Mexican descent, Dana Gioia is an internationally acclaimed poet and writer. The first person in his family to attend college, he received degrees from Stanford and Harvard. Former California Poet Laureate and chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts, his most recent collection is Meet Me at the Lighthouse (Graywolf, 2023).
Aracelis Girmay
Aracelis Girmay is the author of three books of poems, most recently the black maria (BOA Editions, 2016), for which she was a finalist for the 2018 Neustadt Prize. Girmay is on the editorial board of the African Poetry Book Fund and is the editor of How to Carry Water: Selected Poems of Lucille Clifton (2020).
Ani Gjika
Ani Gjika (@Ani_Gjika) is an Albanian-born writer, author, and translator of eight books and chapbooks of poetry. Her translation of Luljeta Lleshanaku’s Negative Space (New Directions / Bloodaxe Books, 2018) was a PEN Award finalist and shortlisted for the International Griffin Poetry Prize. The recipient of an NEA grant, English PEN, the Robert Pinsky Global Fellowship, and Pauline Scheer Fellowship from GrubStreet’s Memoir Incubator Program, Gjika teaches writing at Framingham State University. Her translation of the eponymous poem of Negative Space appeared in the digital edition of the November 2014 issue of WLT, along with the poems “History Class” and “According to Index.”
Diane Glancy
Diane Glancy is professor emerita at Macalester College. Her 2017 books are Mary Queen of Bees, The Servitude of Love, and QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM (The Keyboard Letters).
Polona Glavan
Polona Glavan’s (b. 1974) first novel, Noc v Evropi (A night in Europe), was published in 2001 and shortlisted for the Kresnik Prize for best Slovenian novel. She followed it with a short-story collection, Gverilci (Guerillas), in which the story published here appears.
Sergei Glavatskii
Sergei Glavatskii is a poet and writer from Odesa whose work has appeared in numerous journals in Ukraine, including Deti Ra.