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  • Xi Xi

    Xi Xi (the pen name of Cheung Yin) has written more than thirty books of poetry, fiction, and nonfiction. One of Hong Kong’s most beloved and prolific authors, she has won numerous international awards, most recently the 2019 Newman Prize for Chinese Literature.

  • Xiao Hai

    Xiao Hai (b. 1987) was born in Shangqiu City in Henan Province in China, the hometown of the Chinese philosopher Zhuangzi. He has spent many years living in different cities as a migrant worker and composed over five hundred poems. After encountering Picun, an urban village outside of Beijing, he became a member of the Picun Literature Group and won the Best Poet prize at the First Laborers’ Literature Awards.

  • Xiao An

    Xiao An (b. 1964) is often regarded as a “poet’s poet” in China. One of the few women in the experimental poetry group feifei, meaning “neither/nor,” she has been working as a nurse in a psychiatric hospital for twenty years while steadily publishing poetry. Her writing is influenced by classical Chinese poetry but has a contemporary feel in its themes and sensibility.

  • PHOTO: Paul Hiltondiv>

    Xu Xi

    Xu Xi (@xuxiwriter) is the author of fourteen books, most recently This Fish Is Fowl: Essays of Being (2019). An Indonesian-Chinese-American diehard transnational, she splits her life, unevenly, between the state of New York and the rest of the world.