What to Read Now: Summer Reading List 2017

Photo: Bequest/Pixabay
By a lake, on a train, deep in a canyon, or at home on your back porch: it’s time to catch up on the outstanding global writing publishers have been bringing out since January. Here are seven to get you started plus one to anticipate in July. And when you finish these, you’ll find many more in our review section.
For the Subway Dreamer
Lucy Durneen
MidnightSun (January)
For the Doting Adult Daughter
Minae Mizumura
Trans. Juliet Winters Carpenter
Other Press (May)
For Those Meditating on Authoritarianism
Han Kang
Trans. Deborah Smith
Hogarth (January)
For the Struggling Millennial
Richard Ali A Mutu
Trans. Bienvenu Sene Mongaba & Sara Sene
Phoneme Media (April)
For Stories of Migration and Exile
Viet Thanh Nguyen
Grove Press (February)
For the Online Dater
Camille Laurens
Trans. Adriana Hunter
Other Press (March)
For a Story of Statelessness
Bae Suah
Trans. Deborah Smith
Deep Vellum (January)
For Finding Strength
Bao Phi
Coffee House Press (July)