Moving to a New Classroom

Photo: Mike Charest/Flickr
That slick envelope
of developed film
is tumbled in a storage closet
next to old seating charts
and a stale granola bar in foil.
In one of the frames,
faces are locked
in astonishment.
Having sighted a Killer Whale,
Neah Bay June 2004
is written on the back of the photograph
in the tender filigree of eighth-grade cursive.
My first year teaching,
on a field-trip nature hike,
I pointed down
between two cedar-spiked sea stacks.
An orca’s black-and-white silhouette
sashayed across the waves,
looking buoyant and playful
as a toddler in bathwater.
Whale-skin erudition;
mathematical wonder
of the united gaze.
Juvenile orca
floating under Cape Flattery.