Three Poems from Israel

[A person should fold up his world]
A person should fold up his world
put his head between his legs
and so observe his existence
say things of worth things that foresee the future
by becoming round
by lowering his head uniting the edges
our rabbis called this the position of prophecy
and in this position they would prophesize
end to end mouth to mouth Hallelujah
[She walks in her places]
She walks in her places
feeling her way
checking animal droppings
here a camel here a gazelle here a donkey
the path winds up the slope’s ascent
thinning out to nothing on the cliff
stretching out along the ridge
wind rises from the wadi and ravens above the abyss
when she passes through the garden of
the almond trees and roses
doves startle in the thicket of reeds
fourteen doves and the air vibrates with their wings
this is her abandoned place until the fig season
the breach of hawthorn perfume
wounds the heart
a knife-cut in rock
[The cliff on which I’m trapped]
The cliff on which I’m trapped
is about to collapse
but a cow stands here
I hold onto her legs
and climb back from the edge under her belly
breathing salvation through the legs of a cow
I didn’t feel the hairiness
or the roundness
Her cylinder legs their steadiness
and their red color saved me from the abyss
Translations from the Hebrew