Yousef Khanfar
Photo of Sandra Day O'Connor by Yousef Khanfar / Photographer Yousef Khanfar recalls his time with Justice Sandra Day O’Connor in this tribute to the first female justice of…
- In the following tribute, Yousef Khanfar pens a letter to the eminent scholar Salma Khadra Jayyusi, laureate of the 2021 Palestine Prize for Literature, who passed away on April 20, 2023. De…
We created the Palestinian Kufiyah to be your symbol of elegance and flames of resistance. We centered it with Net of the Sea, To remind you of staying one united, strong nation…
Photo © by Yousef Khanfar For over 850 years, two Palestinian Muslim families have been entrusted with the keys to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, the holiest shrine for Christ…
When we asked Yousef Khanfar, executive editor of the “Palestine Voices” special issue, to come up with a list of essential titles about Palestine, he shared with us the following curation of thir…
Dana Barqawi, Woman Digging Thorns out of Field / Courtesy of the Artist In the following voyage of self-discovery and reflection on humanity—excerpted from a forthcomi…
Nabil Anani / Courtesy of the Artist It has been said, Wisdom descended into the hands of the Chinese, the brains of the Greeks, and the tongue of the Arabs. Palestinian writers, po…
- Photo by James L.W / Unsplash In January, Full Circle Bookstore was named one of five finalists for Publishers Weekly’s Bookstore of the Year. Palestinian photo…
When we asked Yousef Khanfar, guest editor of our March 2013 issue, to come up with a list of his favorite photography books, he sent us the following list of thirty-two essential titles. These ar…
- The essence of photography is writing with light. It is the visual language that we use daily and increasingly communicate with. Millions of photographs appear everyday in newspapers, magazines, books…