Two Catalan Poems

La bona educació
L’estiu que complia set anys
li van regalar un estoig de fusta
amb un llapis i una goma.
El llapis, perquè en rosegués la mina
fins a trobar el nervi vague
de la paraula.
La goma, per esborrar la paraula
abans de dir-la.
Good Manners
The summer she turned seven
they gave her a wooden pencil case
with a pencil and eraser.
The pencil, so she could gnaw the lead
until she found the vagus nerve
of the word.
The eraser, to erase the word
before she could say it.
El Sentit del Creixement
i barrets
i ungles
i portes
creixen enfora.
Si mai creixen endins
és perforant
el túnel terrós
del dolor.
Un dolor que coneixen
i arrels
i orelles
i dones,
que han après a créixer
Direction of Growth
and doors
grow outward.
If they ever grew inward
earth’s tunnel
would be pierced
with pain.
A pain known by
and women
who have learned how to grow
Editorial note: From Mur, copyright © 2015 by Gemma Gorga. From the manuscript Late to the House of Words: Selected Poems of Gemma Gorga, English translation copyright © 2019 by Sharon Dolin.