Frank Paino


Frank Paino’s poems have appeared in a variety of literary publications, including North American Review, Briar Cliff Review, and Lake Effect. He has received a Pushcart Prize, the Cleveland Arts Prize in Literature, and a 2016 Individual Excellence Award from the Ohio Arts Council. His third book, Obscura, is forthcoming from Orison Books in 2020.

  • Frank Paino
    Fin whales in the Svalbard archipelago / Photo by Guillaume Baviere / Flickr “52” is the moniker given to an unidentified whale (most likely a blue or fin) whose high-pitched voc…
  • Frank Paino
    Adam and Eve,by Gail Caulfield, Villa Montalvo (Italy)Genesis 2: 18–22 After a while, the glitter began to fade, the way a bright star, regarded full-on,…