Fin whales in the Svalbard archipelago / Photo by Guillaume Baviere / Flickr
“52” is the moniker given to an unidentified whale (most likely a blue or fin) whose high-pitched voc…
Climate Change
- We asked our readers, “What work of fiction, poetry, theater, or nonfiction has had the most profound impact on your understanding of climate change?” Here's what you said: “We need a new vo…
- Photo by Márcia Wayna Kambeba At the beginning of June, I interviewed Márcia Wayna Kambeba. Since the United Nations declared 2019 the Year of Indigenous Languages, we s…
- One of my favorite recent maxims about becoming better stewards of the earth is this one from waste-minimizing chef Anne-Marie Bonneau: “We don’t need a handful of people doing zero waste perfectly. W…
- Photo: Courtesy of the Author As she pleases after Tropical Storm Ondoy, 2009 If only words dilute sediments at the bottom of my gut; if only a tongue can let thi…
- While the rapidly evolving nature of climate change means that the best sources of current data are online (e.g., United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and National Oceanic and…
- “Where are you from?” a man, a black man, asks me at a cocktail party. The answer rolls in my mouth like a rock. “South Africa,” I say. My voice is bright, my eyes wide, as if I’m participating in…
- There was a time, a certain weather where the butterflies danced paused on the grass to rest and hear the song of the wind echo. There was a time, an ardent weather when the sun shone more st…
- Photo: Bruce Hedge David Holmgren is an environmental designer, writer, and co-creator of the permaculture concept, which uses systems theory to create by design the resiliency found in n…
- Photo: Stuart Lime Digital In a series of vignettes, essayist Chris Arthur considers why “respecting what gives life is not a lesson to be learned indoors.” In E. M. Forster’s A…
- The Aquarium, 20" x 24" hand-painted paper collage on wood panel, private collection. © Elizabeth St. Hilaire ( Three Pebbles Si…
- Birds Watching, by Jenny Kendler, part of Indicators: Artists on Climate Change at Storm King Art Center, depicts one hundred eyes of bird species threatened or endangered by cl…