
And the musicians played tunes of madness
(the holeyz and olé-olézz and olélé-olélé
the wélélézzz)
On a Godyé viol
Strings: 7 hairs p’lled from th’tail of 7 hawssez
On a mountain where there lived a lunatic
with 7 vultures
and 7 blindfolk that he
twisted into dance
with the godyé’s sound.
That the ears might hear what the eyes can’t see
“the other face of truth”
eye be sun, ear be moon
yard, aureole, th’audience
orbiting world, swiftest spin
dwelling chants.
Listening, the blindman sees.
That the ears might hear what the eyes can’t see
the bloss’m, the bett’r.
And they laughed like cherubs
cherubease, neat n’ clean
cooing sweet
And the musicians played played
viol tambou-di-bass kalabash
kross mission in-midst
and above dust with chipped ficus bark
and above th’dust n’ then chipt khaya bark
all try-as-they-mightness
all voice-in-the-windness
Sing w/ voicez veiled rasping ’xhausted
ript shredded split
in tatters
to have opened them wide (them voices) swift winded
its own tongue
rigamarole-less nonsenseless
no frills no froufrou
sans latutune-bertune
bass note vibrations
husk-voice husking
playful speeches
jousting speeches
talking drum
n’ the threshers clack
they scrape
And there descend upon those straight-up-hobnailed-faithfuls
those children unaging,
those formerly “counted,” dancing
a neck shaked
a body saved
dance and call
my crown crowned
me, bareheaded
nay, nay say I
w/ th’ head hard
hard headed
rhênni! [heehaawww]
body bared unto spirit
unto endangeredous
And exit-toward-apparition with the mouth of an other
clothed ’n tha Lyfe ’v anotha
w/ a line ’v tha Ded, a.k.a them smokiiing
motherless, fatherless
but armed with violin, copper-red
out from a heap of red earth
said not to call him not to cawl me-it’s-time
to call him
said to call him instead
role reverse
play play
said his name is ich chein name is dogson
said he can’t be called he has so many names
made of zigzags like a bindweed vine
and red
" and made of lisssps of tongueflipsss of vowlz
on lipsss
a’hundr’d heads he has
a’hundr’d fifty pairs of wingz
That ears might listen, that eyes see not
that thunder might growl in the clowdz
breath’s road compels breath
’n whirlwynd rides up the currents
Nobahdee suppozed he’d lissen w/out dancen
he’d parlay parabole
pirouetting at the ball
no MOUN, that is, no MAN without a symbol
nor cymbal
without entering fresh air’d BODY into the dance circle
curve cove, in th’larônne
In skin
an offering
the thin-neck’d beast
freshly skorch’d
good for good evil for evil
good for evil evil for good
Th’current descends
th’sky opens
th’sky is fresh
th’beast snarls snrrrl-snrrrl
trek of wind
th’wind haz transported th’ash.
Translation from the Creole