Grass Valley, California. Fieldmouse Press. 2024. 244 pages.In this color-drenched graphic memoir reminiscent of the dreaminess of Chagall, Jesse Lee Kercheval has moved the genre to…
Jesse Lee Kercheval
- Pittsburgh. University of Pittsburgh Press. 2023. 80 pages. Jesse Lee Kercheval’s poems in I Want to Tell You give rise to the possibility that abjection can apply to grief, as in the impossibility o…
Tatiana Oroño and the musician Daniel Petruchelli, who set her poem “Elogio del camino” to music, taken at a performance at the Casa de los escritores (House of Writers) in Montevideo / Photos by Mari…
- Courtesy of the SARAS InstituteLast month I had the marvelous opportunity, as a poet, of participating in the annual conference of an international scientific organization, the South American Institut…
- The image is central to most poets and poetry. In Elizabeth Bishop’s poem “The Fish,” the image is the poem. “His brown skin hung in strips / like ancient wallpaper, / and its pattern of dark…