Rochester, New York. Open Letter. 2024. 133 pages.
The groundbreaking novels and incisive cultural critiques of Dubravka Ugrešić have won major prizes in eastern Europe and the West…
Dubravka Ugrešić
- New York. Open Letter. 2020. 234 pages. QUITE SIMPLY, IT IS DIFFICULT to decide where to begin with Dubravka Ugrešić’s The Age of Skin since there’s not one, but a multitude…
- Rochester, New York. Open Letter. 2018. 308 pages.Neustadt Prize winner Dubravka Ugrešić’s latest historiographic metafiction bears her trademark erudition, wit, and nuanced cultural critiques. The fo…
- Photo by DeusXFlorida / Flickr Thanks to the marketplace and the “culture of consensus,” writes 2016 Neustadt Prize laureate Dubravka Ugrešić, “art has become our favorite theme park.” In…
Dubravka Ugrešić delivered her 2016 Neustadt keynote lecture to hundreds of high school and college students in Norman, Oklahoma.After watching the world premiere of the staged adaptation…
Made of iron, this scold’s bridle from Belgium dates from the 16th or 17th century. The strut of metal that went into the wearer’s mouth to hold down her tongue has broken off.If there’s…
- David Williams, tr. Rochester, New York. Open Letter. 2014. ISBN 9781934824894Since leaving Croatia in 1994, Dubravka Ugresic has penned sharp, darkly funny critiques of contemporary Western and globa…