75 Years Ago in These Pages: Books for Europe

“People who love books find it difficult to get along without them, but millions in the war-devastated areas today are forced to live, work, and study with practically no books, periodicals, and magazines. During the war, libraries of half the world were destroyed or damaged in the fires of battle and in the fires of hate and fanaticism. . . . The people in the United States can help by sharing what they have in an effort to aid these countries get back on their cultural feet. . . . If you find books that you wish to donate, write to the American Book Center, Library of Congress, Washington 25, D.C. . . . Don’t delay—make your inventory, and then write to the American Book Center at once.”
—Mrs. Margretts S. Austin
Commission for International Educational Reconstruction,
744 Jackson Place, N.W., Washington 6, D.C.
Books Abroad 22, no. 2 (Spring 1948): 211–12