Evening TimeHa Jong-o On the subway at evening rush hourI called my wife to say I was on my way home.Hearing a familiar voice, I looked round,among the exhausted people on their way home,an…
Writing the Great Recession
- Photo illustration by Mary WuestewaldThere are, as evidenced by the working-class literature special issue of World Literature Today, many working-class writers around the world. However, the…
- Via Prenestina. Photo by Carlo Busini/FlickrIn contrast to Michela Murgia’s Il mondo deve sapere (see WLT, Nov. 2013, 43–46), Peppe Fiore’s Nessun…
- The Cricket MatchThey have fooled us, friends, got us all to gaze night and day at the television,Entrusted us with the cricket match,While they go and steal the country’s resources, we watch the matc…
- [Download the e-book Blaze A Vanishing by Alan Morrison] Alan Morrison's e-book Blaze A Vanishing is available here in its entirety as a WLT web exclusive to go along with h…
- Photo by Mike Baird/FlickrScribbles on the Poverty LineWhen I was a girl in a poor familywe hung our clothes to dry on the povertyline,and with it I jumped rope.My friends saw and joined me.We were ho…
- Photo by girl/afraid/FlickrWhen I began my PhD studies and told my advisor I would write my dissertation on contemporary American working-class women’s poetry, her response was, “Is there such a thing…
- Five years on from the Great Recession, WLT is proud to present an international sampling of working-class literature, guest-edited by Jeanetta Calhoun…