Alan Morrison

Alan Morrison ( is a British poet with several collections: The Mansion Gardens (2006), Picaresque (2008), A Tapestry of Absent Sitters (2009), Keir Hardie Street (2010), Captive Dragons / The Shadow Thorns (2011), Blaze a Vanishing / The Tall Skies (2013), and the forthcoming Odour of Devon Violet (2013). He edited the Caparison anthologies Emergency Verse: Poetry in Defence of the Welfare State (2011) and The Robin Hood Book: Verse Versus Austerity (2012/13) and edits The Recusant.

  • Alan Morrison
    [Download the e-book Blaze A Vanishing by Alan Morrison] Alan Morrison's e-book Blaze A Vanishing is available here in its entirety as a WLT web exclusive to go along with h…