Wolfgang Hilbig

  • Wolfgang Hilbig
    San Francisco. Two Lines Press. 2018. 136 pages. One of the many reasons Wolfgang Hilbig left the German Democratic Republic might have been that, as his narrator suddenly realizes, all at once there…
  • Wolfgang Hilbig
    San Francisco. Two Lines Press. 2017. 108 pages.The setting of Old Rendering Plant is the German Democratic Republic in which Wolfgang Hilbig grew up. In a veritable perversion of the convent…
  • Wolfgang Hilbig
    San Francisco. Two Lines Press. 2015. 163 pages.It is gratifying to see Wolfgang Hilbig’s work appear in translation, if posthumously, because of the unique perspective on the former East and the…
  • Wolfgang Hilbig
    New York. Seagull Books. 2015. 293 pages.Decades after the Battle of Berlin and the fall of Nazi Germany, sociologists and laymen alike still puzzle over one of the most vexing questions to come…
  • August 19, 2015 Wolfgang Hilbig
    Set in an old house in provincial East Germany, “Coming” begins with a boy’s memories of the ghastly suicidal wails of the women who lived in his neighborhood. Trying to escape these painful cries…