Browse through all of the translators in WLT.

  • Caroline Waight is an award-winning literary translator working from Danish, German, and Norwegian. She has translated a wide range of fiction and nonfiction, with recent publications including The Lobster’s Shell, by Caroline Albertine Minor (2022); Island, by Siri Ranva Hjelm Jacobsen (2021); and The Chief Witness, by Sayragul Sauytbay and Alexandra Cavelius (2021). She lives and works near London

  • Kizer S. Walker is an academic librarian, translator, and writer in Ithaca, New York. His translation of Martin Seel’s The Arts of Cinema was published by Cornell University Press in 2018.

  • Ting Wang’s translations are published or forthcoming in Ploughshares, Southern Review, Iowa Review, Michigan Quarterly Review, Massachusetts Review, Denver Quarterly, Asymptote, and elsewhere. The recipient of a Vermont Studio Center / Henry Luce Foundation Chinese Poetry & Translation Fellowship, she holds a PhD from Northwestern University and lives and works in the Washington metropolitan area.

  • Julie Ann Ward was born in Oklahoma in 1983. She is an assistant professor of twentieth- and twenty-first-century Latin American literature at the University of Oklahoma. 

  • Cecilia Weddell is an associate editor at Harvard Review and a PhD candidate at the Boston University Editorial Institute, where she is editing and translating the essays of Rosario Castellanos. Her translations have appeared in Latin American Literature Today, Literary Imagination, Exchanges, and elsewhere.

  • Max Weiss is an Arabic translator and an associate professor of history and Near Eastern Studies at Princeton University. His most recent book is Arabic Thought against the Authoritarian Age: Towards an Intellectual History of the Present, co-edited with Jens Hanssen.

  • Steven F. White is finishing an ecocritical study of Nicaraguan poetry. He translated Seven Trees against the Dying Light by Pablo Antonio Cuadra and The Angel of Rain by Cuban Gastón Baquero and is the co-author of Ayahuasca Reader. His most recent book of poetry is Bajo la palabra de las plantas (poesía selecta: 1979–2009). He teaches Latin American lierature at St. Lawrence University.

  • Tegan White-Nesbitt is an Alaskan artist from Fairbanks. She met Walle Sayer as book, then man, while studying linguistics at the Eberhard-Karls University in Tübingen.

  • Simon Wickham-Smith is international director of the Mongolian Academy of Poetry and Culture and co-directs the Orchuulga Foundation, which is dedicated to the translation of Mongolian literature. A 2008 grant recipient of the PEN Translation Fund for his work on O. Dashbalbar, he was likewise recognized as a Leading Cultural Worker by the government of Mongolia for this translation work. His interview with Sara Wilson, along with additional translated poems, appears in the September 2014 print edition of WLT.

  • Sam Wilder is completing a PhD in Arabic studies at Cambridge University in the UK and is also the translator of Ghassan Zaqtan’s novella Describing the Past, forthcoming from Seagull Books in 2016.

  • Elaine Wilson is a writer, literary translator, language instructor, and PhD candidate in the Department of Slavic Languages at Columbia University. She lives in New York City.

  • Sharni Wilson is an Aotearoa New Zealand writer of fiction and a literary translator from the Japanese. She has translated fiction by leading contemporary Japanese writers such as Kaori Ekuni, Masatomo Tamaru, and Fumio Takano. Her work has appeared in Landfall, Asymptote, and the Best of Auckland, among others. In 2023 she won the inaugural At the Bay | I te Kokoru award for a hybrid manuscript. 

  • Sholeh Wolpé is a recipient of the PEN/Heim Translation award and the Lois Roth Persian Translation prize as well as the author of six collections of poetry, several plays, three books of translations, and three anthologies.

  • Worley and Birkhofer

    Paul M. Worley (b. 1976, Charleston, South Carolina) is a settler-scholar and professor of Spanish at Appalachian State University, where he serves as chair of the Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures.  

  • Christiane Wyrwa studied German and English literature at Göttingen, Durham GB, and Berlin, where she took a PhD in 1981. With her husband, Matthias Klein, she edited Kuno Raeber’s Collected Works in seven volumes from 2002 to 2010.