Cincinatti. Hebrew Union College Press. 2020. 188 pages.
THE POET TUVIA RUEBNER left this world just months before the arrival of a pandemic that has since shaken it. For a life…
Tuvia Ruebner
- Brookline, Massachusetts. Zephyr Press. 2017. 103 pages.Late Beauty exemplifies that, while he is fluent in both German and Hebrew, Tuvia Ruebner’s first language is indeed poetry. This colle…
- Alex Ringer, “Thistle-Garden (Cynara syriaca f. alba),” Jezreel Valley, IsraelIntroductory note by translator Rachel Tzvia BackTuvia Ruebner was born in Slovakia i…
- Rachel Tzvia Back, tr. & intro. Pittsburgh. Hebrew Union College Press / University of Pittsburgh Press. 2014. ISBN 9780878202553There is reason to celebrate the publication of this scholarly…