Berkeley, California. Transit Books. 2024. 48 pages.
“For his innovative plays and prose which give voice to the unsayable” was the official rationale the Swedish Academy gave for aw…
Jon Fosse
- Oakland, California. Transit Books. 2023. 112 pages. If you are looking for a manageable first exposure to the work of 2023’s Nobel Prize winner, Norwegian writer Jon Fosse, you migh…
- Oakland, California. Transit Books. 2020. 340 pages. JON FOSSE is a well-known and revered multiple award-winning writer in his native Norway. He has published for more than twenty y…
- London. Fitzcarraldo. 2018. 153 pages. Ever since Karl Ove Knausgaard published the first volume of My Struggle, international attention has equated much of the modern Norwegian novel…