Photo by Harrikrisna Anenden
Ananda Devi is a noted francophone poet, writer, ethnologist, translator, and occasional scriptwriter for the movie adaptations to her short stories and novels. B…
Dinah Assouline Stillman
- Shalev photo (left)– Das blaue Sofa / Club Bertelsmann The pain has returned—in Zeruya Shalev’s latest novel, Pain (Other Press, 2019)—“like labor pains, [its waves] come every minut…
Ronit Matalon/Photo by Shay IgnatzEditorial note: An abbreviated version of the following essay appears in the May 2015 print edition of WLT.Who is Ronit Matalon? An Israeli fiction…
- “I make literature, not war. . . . Literature is not Jewish, Arab, or American. It tells stories to everyone.” These are the words of Boualem Sansal, an exceptionally brave and talent…