Carmen Boullosa

Carmen Boullosa is one of Mexico’s leading novelists, poets, and playwrights. The author of fifteen novels, her most recent English translations include Before and Texas: The Great Theft. Deep Vellum will publish Heavens on Earth in December.
  • Carmen Boullosa
    Minneapolis. Coffee House Press. 2020. 181 pages. IN HER SUCCINCT yet electrifying homage to Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina, Mexican writer Carmen Boullosa conceptualizes the conti…
  • Carmen Boullosa
    Dallas. Deep Vellum. 2017. 384 pages.“This book is composed of three different narratives. For reasons that I do not understand, it was given to me to turn into a novel.” These words of a fictitious a…
  • Carmen Boullosa
    Dallas, Texas. Deep Vellum. 2016. 104 pages. It has taken twenty-seven years for Antes, Carmen Boullosa’s second novel, to reach an English audience. Published in 1989, the novel earned…
  • Carmen Boullosa
    Tamas Galambos, Summer, 1981, oil on canvas. A detail from Galambos’s painting also appears on the cover of García Marquez’s One Hundred Years of Solitude reprinted by Pengu…
  • Carmen Boullosa
    Mexico City. Alfaguara. 2013. ISBN 9786071123688Through the intricate plot and multitude of characters, both principal and peripheral, Carmen Boullosa’s novel Texas seems to score a dire…