Virgil Mihaiu/text & Alan Tomlinson/trombone
A historical document from the beginnings of the JAZZOGRAPHICS, here in their embryonic nucleus: Virgil Mihaiu/text & Alan Tomlinson/trombone.
This was recorded during their interview granted to BBC Scotland, after a performance in Edinburgh / Winter of 1994. In the Autumn of 1995, JAZZOGRAPHICS would return to Scotland's capital-city to perform on the stage of the Traverse Theatre (an institution founded by world-renowned socialite Jim Haynes, maybe the most famous "American in Paris" during the last four decades).
On that second tour of Britain the JAZZOGRAPHICS' personnel was: Alan Tomlinson/trombone, Harry Tavitian/piano, Corneliu Stroe/drums, percussion, Virgil Mihaiu/poetry.