Nonfiction graphic narratives offer readers a powerful window into the lived experiences of the artists and writers who create them. In the hands of the right creator, the synergy of visual and verbal…
Lit Lists
Literary Activism Readers’ Poll The Results As part of our cover feature focusing on literary activism in the past half-century, the editors of World Liter…
Illustration: Yang Tammy Lai-Ming Ho Sweet and Sour Soup Some years ago, I visited Luxembourg, and when I went looking for somewhere to eat in the area around the hostel I…
THE VIDEO-SHARING platform YouTube has developed entirely new ways to form communities and proliferate ideas, and among those on the rise is the phenomenon of booktubers. Bookt…
Barcelona, Spain. Photo: Ondrej Pospisil/Flickr Few things create a literary moment as reliably as a road trip, and it is common knowledge that road trips and books pair up like fine wine and aged…
Kimberly Richardson from Kira Obolensky’s Park and Lake. Photo © Paula Keller. Photo courtesy of Ten Thousand Things Theater Company.THE THEATER OFFERS a rich experience of immersive sto…
Norwegian musicians Bernt Jansen and Nils Kvaale Rue perform bass and vocals in Jørn Lande and Trond Holter’s Dracula—Swing of Death. Photo: Boris DanielsenROCK OPERA i…
Author Rabih Alameddine regularly shares batches of fine art on his Twitter feed. Partridges in the Snow, by Józef Marian Chełmoński, was among his recent shares.It’s no secret that Twitter i…
A Book Bento Box post for Hermione Hoby’s debut novel Neon in Daylight. photo: courtesy of book bento boxWhile social media gives us an unprecedented connecti…
illustration: jen rickard blairEven we will admit you can’t read all the time. You can, however, stay connected to literature while cooking, gardening, and exercising by listening to a well-produced l…